Understanding strata in Mandarin and Cantonese

Meet our local strata managers who speak Mandarin and Cantonese

Strata management in Australia can be quite complex. How it works here is different from China and other parts of Asia. For example, in Australia, the committee and property owners must be involved when organising repairs, maintenance and making decisions that affect common property.

While it may be tempting to let others take the lead, it’s important to get involved on your strata committee. Why? Because you should have a say about how your property investment is being managed and how your home is maintained to make sure it increases in value, and remains a good investment.

We understand that this may seem daunting because of language barriers. With this in mind, PICA Group, along with Body Corporate Services (BCS) and Dynamic Property Services has organised these webinars with selected strata management staff of an Asian background. Learn more about how strata management works in your state and how our staff can help you.

Episode 1 – Understanding strata in Cantonese with Iris Chau

Meet Iris Chau, Dynamic Property Services and learn about how strata works in New South Wales, and how it differs from Hong Kong, strata misconceptions versus the truth, why it’s important to be involved in your strata committee and how strata managers can assist owners and overseas investors.

視頻 1 – 用廣東話了解澳洲物業管理。主持: Iris Chau

參加我們的廣東話線上講座。解物業管理在新州如何運作,及與香港、中國和亞洲其他地區的不同之處 打破對物業管理的誤解 參與業主立案法團一同創造更好的居住環境 物業管理經理可以協助業主和海外投資者。

Episode 2 – Understanding owners corporation in Mandarin with Fei ye

Meet Fei Ye, Body Corporate Services(BCS) Melbourne and learn about how owners corporation works in Victoria, and how it differs from China, owners corporation misconceptions versus the truth, why it’s important to be involved in your owners corporation committee and how owners corporation managers can assist owners and overseas investors.

视频 3 – 澳大利亚物业管理简介。 主讲人: Fei Ye

加入我们的普通话网络研讨会。物业在您所在的州如何运作,与在中国有哪些不同 对物业的误解和真相 您参与物业委员会的重要性 物业经理如何为业主和海外投资者提供帮助。

Episode 3 – Understanding body corporate in Mandarin with Lincoln Dong

Meet Lincoln Dong, Body Corporate Services(BCS) Brisbane and learn about how body corporate works in Queensland, and how it differs from China, body corporate misconceptions versus the truth, why it’s important to be involved in your body corporate committee and how body corporate managers can assist owners and overseas investors.

视频 3 – 澳大利亚物业管理简介。主讲人: Lincoln Dong

加入我们的普通话网络研讨会。物业在您所在的州如何运作,与在中国有哪些不同 对物业的误解和真相 您参与物业委员会的重要性 物业经理如何为业主和海外投资者提供帮助。

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