Campaign Landing Page – A Handy Guide

Campaign landing pages – A handy guide

These icons: indicate that there is information on an element. Simply hover over the elements to view the description.

You can also jump to the PICA Group updated branding guidelines by clicking here.



New PICA Group branding


PMS: 541C
CMYK: C100 M47
Y00 K47
RGB: R0 G70 B119
Websafe: #00467790
MS: Black
CMYK: C100 M00
Y00 K100
RGB: R0 G0 B0
Websafe: #000000
PMS: Process Cyan C
CMYK: C90 M00
Y00 K00
RGB: R0 G159 B 223
Websafe: #00ffff
CMYK: C00 M00
Y00 K30
RGB: R188 G190 B 192
Websafe: #bcbec0
PMS: 130C
CMYK: C02 M38
Y100 K0
RGB: R246 G167 B 4
Websafe: #f6a704

PICA swoosh

Examples of the PICA swoosh in use

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