Disclaimer: this Factsheet provides general information in summary form on various legislative and regulatory compliance matters. The contents of this factsheet do not constitute legal advice or other advice on any specific matter and should not be relied upon for that purpose. Any user of this factsheet requiring or seeking legal advice is responsible for obtaining such advice from their own engaged lawyers and any user should do so before taking (or not taking) any action in reliance on any information contained in this factsheet.
PICA Group plays an active role in influencing governments to generate good policies at both a state and federal level. Our legislation pages are a free and easy way for all property stakeholders to stay up to date with strata and community living legislative changes for New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. In certain circumstances where drafting a new by-law or building rule could be more effective in creating harmony, our team at Kemps Petersons Legal can assist with a by-laws review, click here. If you would like to learn more about the services we offer, click here for a free assessment.
Originally published on 29 November 2021
Updated on 8 December 2021
Categories: Certainty, Enhancing Community Living, Legislation & compliance, New South Wales