Welcome to your strata defects series toolkit

Strata defects toolkit header image

What is a defect? Building your strata defects knowledge

Our articles provide a detailed look at the different aspects of managing building defects and what you can do on your strata property

The regulatory frameworks that surround strata defects can move quickly. Likewise, with states and territories looking to improve consumer confidence within the building and construction sector, we produce articles discussing some of the latest movements and decisions about strata defects and their impact committee members and owners.

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Good management of building defects is important

Good management of building defects by committees and owners is important. Acting promptly and understanding statutory warranties will make for more successful rectification processes.

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Levies and fees will support you

The first AGM marks the point where your levies and fees will be set. Your levies and fees will support you through a defects rectification process and will act as your financial backing.

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Building inspection reports

Building inspection reports and accurate diagnostics sit at the centre of successful defect rectification processes. Defects have traditionally been diagnosed via a general defects or building inspection report.

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Negotiating with the original owner to get defects fixed

The negotiations with the original owner to get the defects fixed will be centred around trying to come to an agreement on what they recognise as a defect and what they are willing to fix.

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Committee responsibilities and building defects

Dealing with defects as a committee member or owner isn’t straightforward. However, committees should communicate and work with owners to make the process as easy as possible.

Contact us

For strata repairs and maintenance services consultation by our Assured Building Maintenance team who leverage and access the support network of trusted contractors, click here (NSW only). Or for a consultation to review your common property insurance by our CommunitySure insurance team, click here.

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