7. Lot size
The individual strata levies paid by each lot is determined by the unit entitlement for your lot, as set out in the schedule on the registered strata plan. Unit entitlement determines the proportion of ownership a lot holder carries, including common areas.
Unit entitlement is generally based on the lot’s market value at the time of registration of the strata plan. Generally, the larger the lot, the more unit entitlement it has and the higher the strata levies for that unit.
If you’ve noticed that strata levies vary significantly from building to building or even lot to lot, you’re right. This occurs because factors such as your strata property’s size, the building’s age and condition, common property facilities on your strata property, the strata plan and property’s design, onsite contractor services, insurance costs and financial status and your lot’s size can ultimately affect how much you pay in strata levies.
However, higher strata levies aren’t necessarily a bad thing. It may just mean your property is well-maintained, and your committee is proactive with repairs and maintenance.
If you’d like to find out more on managing the financials for your strata property, download our FREE Community Living guide here. We also provide our customers with an intuitive, modern, and easy-to-use dashboard and 24/7 access to their financials and related information via CommunityHub. To find out more about the services we offer, click here for a free strata assessment.
Originally published on 22 February 2022
Updated on 18 March 2022
Categories: Certainty, Enhancing Community Living, Finance and insurance, National