Five steps to take if there is a COVID positive case in your strata property
By taking the right steps, you and your strata committee can help keep your strata community safe from a sizeable COVID-19 outbreak in your building
Has your strata property had to deal with a COVID positive case lately? With the Omicron variant in circulation all over the country, it’s easy for anyone, including those living in a strata property with shared common property, to catch the virus.
Community living has many benefits. However, living in such close proximity to others can mean a virus-like COVID may spread quickly if the situation isn’t managed well. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place for dealing with COVID cases in your community living setting.
While much of this isn’t necessarily mandated by law, there are relatively simple extra steps you and your strata committee can take to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Originally published on 22 February 2022
Updated on 22 March 2022
Categories: Apartment living, Certainty, Enhancing Community Living, National