5 things you may not know good strata managers do
Assumptions we make about a strata manager’s responsibilities aren’t always as accurate as we think. In this article, we take a look at five things you may not know that good strata managers do regularly
While many of us who live in a community living setting often make assumptions about what good strata managers do on a day-to day-basis — such as liaising with committee members and owners, sending out levy notices, organising tradespeople etc. — the reality is that their job entails a lot more than most of us realise.
To learn more about what good strata managers do for strata committees, owners and residents day in and day out, we spoke to Sachin Sharma. Sachin is an experienced strata manager at NSW Strata Management, who has been with the company for about seven years. He manages an extensive portfolio of around 1600 lots spread all over Sydney, from Parramatta to Neutral Bay and even the Inner West, so we can safely assume he knows a thing or two about strata management.
Keep reading to learn what you may not have known good strata managers do regularly.
Originally published on 13 August 2021
Updated on 15 August 2022
Categories: Certainty, Committee member information, Enhancing Community Living, National