COVID-19 strata legislation changes to key strata and community living regulations
The COVID-19 amendments to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and the Community Land Management Act 1989 are temporary. This means the changes are only maintained for either a six-month period (ending on 13 November 2020), until Parliament decides to repeal the changes, or no later than 13 May 2021 where the legislation specifies.
The recent and temporary changes to the Community Land Management Act 1928 and the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 fall under the Regulations of the Miscellaneous Bill. The Regulations ushering in changes are called the Community Land Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020, and the Strata Schemes Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020.
The new and existing regulations that impact owners and committees include:
Electronic meeting notices
- COVID-19 strata legislation changes how meeting notices and documents can be distributed. Meeting notices, or any other document relating to meetings, may be sent via email. The email address must be specified by the person requiring the notice or document.
Affixing a seal and electronic signatures
- As an alternative to affixing the seal of a strata scheme or an association to certain documents, the use of a signature or electronic signature of the relevant person or persons will be sufficient. The document must include:
- The date or dates of signing
- The name of each signatory
- Relationship of each signatory to the association (such as managing agent, committee member, member of the owners corporation).
- Where the signatory is the managing agent, the e-signature must include their managing agent’s licence number or may require the licence number of the strata company.
Originally published on 5 June 2020
Updated on 24 February 2021
Categories: Covid-19