Your FREE guide to the role of committee members

Download your free guide to the role of committee members

The role of committee members, especially with the right people in place, produces a cohesive community living experience. It takes participation from all those who are invested in a strata property regardless of whether they are an owner, resident, or a manager.

One of the most significant roles when it comes to the successful management of community living, is the duty and position of the committee. The committee is important because they are the elected decision-makers who represent all owners.

Our Community Living guides are designed to address the topics that will help enhance community living throughout our country.

By discussing these topics and explaining what they are, how they affect you, and addressing the common misconceptions around each topic, we aim to provide you with the tools to enhance livability, certainty, and harmony within Australia’s community living landscape.

A sneak peek of what’s inside

Guide to role of the committee thumbnail Key essentials to meeting management

What does the committee do?

The committee meets regularly to make decisions, and works closely with the manager to action items. To help you understand more in-depth on what the committee does, we have outlined 10 of their key duties.

Download the guide now.

Guide to role of the committee thumbnail Managing your strata property

Managing your strata property

Find out what the role of the owners corporation or body corporate is, and what they do. We also include information on their roles and responsibilities, and how to decide on matters as a collective.

Download the guide now.

Guide to role of the committee thumbnail Having a vote

What are the different committee roles?

Learn what vital role each committee member has. We break down not only the roles and expectations, but also the things to look out for to select the most effective people for your committee.

Download the guide now.

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