Your FREE guide to by-laws and rules

Download your free introduction guide to by-laws and rules

We understand that community living has its pros and cons, which is why having the right by-laws and rules that are best suited for your strata property is so critical. We aim to help you understand various aspects of community living and its governance, how they impact you, and how to enhance your experience by increasing harmony.

Often living in a common property can be stressful as residents try to abide by set rules. These rules, or what’s known as by-laws in some states, prescribe what is and isn’t allowed on a property. The more you understand about community living, the easier it will be to navigate issues or avoid altogether.

By discussing these topics and explaining what they are, how they affect you, and addressing the common misconceptions around each topic, we aim to provide you with the tools to enhance livability, certainty, and harmony within Australia’s community living landscape.

A sneak peek of what’s inside

Your FREE guide to by-laws and rules topic 1

Understanding strata by-laws and rules

By-laws and rules regulate the use of common property to aid harmonious living. Find out why they’re important, as well as who determines what they should be. We will also bust common misconceptions and myths.

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Your FREE guide to by-laws and rules topic 2

Creating or changing by-laws

To create or change a by-law, familiarise yourself with the current rules of the property and identify what new by-laws would be beneficial and relevant. We’ll provide examples of when you might want to change by-laws, and how to change or add a by-law.

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Your FREE guide to by-laws and rules topic 3

Managing disputes and enforcing by-laws

Communication is an essential first step when attempting to resolve a dispute between two parties or when addressing a by-law infringement. Sometimes however, communication simply isn’t enough. See our eight essential steps for handling a dispute.

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